Moving abroad: what you need to consider

Moving abroad is an exciting but complex undertaking that requires careful planning and preparation. To ensure that your international move goes smoothly, we have put together a comprehensive guide here. From preparation and transportation to arrival at your new home, here's what you need to know to make your move a success. Moving abroad successfully.

Preparing for your move abroad

Thorough preparation is the be-all and end-all for a stress-free move abroad. Start planning in good time and take the following aspects into account:

Checklist for moving abroad

Create a detailed checklist to keep track of all the necessary steps. Important points should include

  • Visa and residence permitInform yourself in good time about the visa requirements and apply for the necessary documents.
  • Transportation and logisticsChoose a reliable removal company that has experience with international removals.
  • Important documentsMake sure you have all important documents such as passport, birth certificates, marriage certificate and medical documents to hand.

Choosing the right removal company

A professional removal company that specializes in international removals can take a lot of work off your hands. Pay attention to the following criteria when making your choice:

  • Experience and referencesAn experienced company with positive customer reviews is a good choice.
  • InsuranceEnsure that your goods are adequately insured during transportation.
  • ServicesCheck which additional services are offered, e.g. packing service, customs clearance and storage.

Financial planning

Moving abroad can be expensive. You should therefore draw up a realistic budget plan. Take the following into account:

  • Moving costsTransportation costs, packaging material, insurance and possibly customs duties.
  • Cost of livingFind out about the cost of living in your new home country.
  • Other costsThis includes, for example, costs for new furniture, school fees or language courses.

The transportation of your belongings

Transporting your furniture and personal belongings is a key part of moving abroad. Here are some important points to bear in mind:

Packaging and protection of your goods

Careful packaging is essential to prevent damage during transportation. Use:

  • Sturdy moving boxesInvest in high-quality cardboard boxes that can withstand long journeys.
  • Protective materialsUse bubble wrap, blankets and packing paper to protect fragile items.
  • LabelingLabel all boxes in detail to make unpacking easier and to enable them to be assigned.

Transportation options

Depending on the distance and quantity of your removal goods, various transportation options are possible:

  • Sea freightIdeal for large quantities and furniture. It takes longer, but is cost-effective.
  • Air freightFaster, but more expensive. Suitable for urgent or valuable items.
  • Road transportation: Often a good choice for removals within Europe, as it is flexible and relatively cheap.

Customs clearance and import regulations

Find out about the customs regulations of your destination country in good time. It is important:

  • Customs documentsProvide all necessary customs papers and documents.
  • Import regulationsCheck which items may and may not be imported into the destination country.
  • Customs dutiesCalculate possible customs duties into your budget.

Arrival in the new home country

The first few days in your new home are exciting, but also challenging. To get off to a good start, you should bear the following points in mind:

Setup and customization

After your arrival, you will need to take care of setting up and adapting to your new surroundings:

  • Home furnishingsMake sure that all furniture and appliances are in working order. Check that all electrical appliances are compatible with the power supply in the new country.
  • Dealing with authoritiesRegister with the relevant authorities to register your new address.
  • InsurancesTake out the necessary insurance, e.g. health insurance and household contents insurance.

Integration and adaptation to the new culture

Moving abroad also means a cultural adjustment. Here are some tips to help you settle in quickly:

  • Language coursesAttend language courses to learn the new language and communicate better.
  • Local networksMake contacts with locals and other expats to help you settle in more quickly.
  • Understanding cultureInform yourself about the cultural customs and peculiarities of the new country to avoid misunderstandings.

Healthcare and security

Your health and safety are of great importance in the new country. Therefore, pay attention to:

  • Health insuranceMake sure that you have adequate health insurance and know how the healthcare system works in the new country.
  • Emergency contactsSave important emergency contacts, such as the telephone numbers of doctors, hospitals and the police.
  • Safety precautionsInform yourself about the security situation in your new home and take appropriate precautions.

Children and school

If you are moving with children, integration into the new school system is particularly important:

  • School registrationRegister your children at a school in good time. Find out about the different types of school and what they offer.
  • Language supportIf your children do not yet speak the new language, look for language courses or special programs for foreign students.
  • Leisure activitiesEncourage participation in leisure activities to help the children settle in and make new friends.

Profession and labor market

Moving abroad can also bring professional changes:

  • Work permitMake sure that you have a valid work permit for the new country.
  • Job searchFind out about the job market and possible job offers. Use networks and job portals to find potential employers.
  • QualificationsHave your qualifications and diplomas recognized in order to be competitive in the new job market.


A Moving abroad is a major challenge, but one that can be successfully mastered with the right preparation and support. From planning and transportation to integration in the new country, each stage requires careful planning and attention. Use the services of a professional moving company to make the process easier and follow our tips and checklists to make your move stress-free.

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